Golf Outing

Commissioner Mike "Bird" Hickman is organizing a golf outing at Dykeman Park Golf Course for Saturday morning, August 10th. The first tee-time will be at 8:30am.


Bird's working-out the details with the course. But, he'd like to get an approximate head-count as soon as possible so that he knows how many tee-times to reserve. 


Each golfer will be responsible for paying their own green-fees. The senior rate (that's us!) for 18 holes with a cart is $31.00. 


If you're interested in playing, see below...


Who's playing?
10 people have registered for Golf Outing at Dykeman Park Golf Course.
Richard Pasel
Mike "Bird" Hickman
Dick Pasel
Denise (Easley) Gumm
Dave Packard
Jan Packard
Sheila Paul-Evans
Randy Harris
Becky (Thatcher) Harris
Steve Morgan