Marital status:
Spouse's name(s):
Becky Thatcher
Places you have previously lived:
W. Lafayette, Lisle, IL, Chicago
Grandchildren's names:
Gage, Morrigan, Apollo
Your nickname(s):
Hair-Ass, Hair-Lick
Children's names:
Bryce, Brenley, Shelby
Places where you would love to live:
Your alias(s):
Don Harris
Pets' names / species:
Favorite place(s) you have worked:
Arthur Andersen, Chicago Research & Trading, Ritchie Capital Mgmt.
Side gig(s):
Habitat for Humanity. We've built 5 houses for single moms and their families..
Golf, bowling, target shooting, travel
Talent we didn't realize you had in high school:
Computer programming
Talent not appreciated by spouse/partner/family or friends (be honest!):
That I could accessorize!
Favorite places you've traveled:
Bermuda, Scotland, Ireland, Italy, England, Japan, Singapore
Favorite teacher at LHS:
Joe Huffman, Bill
Elementary school attended:
Franklin, Daniel Webster, McKinley
Junior high school attended:
Work history:
Bobby Mercer Road Show (1972 - 1976), Arthur Andersen & Co. (80 - 83), Bricker & Assoc (83 - 85), Chicago Research & Trading (85 - 2003), Ritchie Capital Mgmt (2003 - 06), Nuveen Investments (2006 - 09), Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (2009 - 2017)
Things you always wanted to do, but didn't:
Learn to fly an airplane. But, I've mastered riding in one!
Things you're still thinking of doing:
I can't remember! Maybe taking a nap!
Funny or interesting story about travel:
Timing is everything. Becky and I visited Italy in Nov 2019. We were in Venice the week before it flooded and a month before the first COVID cases arrived. Just lucky.
Things you remember most about your years at LHS:
I remember all of the non-academic stuff (not a good student): band, choir, theatre. I remember being in the Berry Bowl for home basketball games in the dead of winter. The place was packed, loud and HOT. And all of that heat went up the back row of the band section (the drum section). So, we'd swing-open all of the windows and put on our coats. The old Berry Bowl was a barn; but, I loved being there.
Obstacles you've overcome since high school:
I've been blessed beyond what I should expect. Comparing my annoyances to what some of my classmates have endured would be disingenuous.
Shout out to someone/something that was a positive force in your life:
To my wife, Becky, who is the most positive force in my life and those of our kids. After that, I'd mention Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, and Ayn Rand.
Any other comments you'd like to share?:
I've been humbled by reading the long list of classmates who have passed away. I haven't seen most of the Class of 71 since graduation. So, I realize that this reunion may be the last time I see many of you as we return to our homes. I look forward to reuniting and spending a few minutes together.
Last edited:
2024-04-28 10:08:19