This page is dedicated to the memories of our classmates who have passed. You are able to add a Memorial and/or Obituary for a deceased classmate who is not in the list. You can also add your own Tribute for a deceased classmate already in the list.
Before adding a memorial for a deceased classmate, please scroll down to ensure that one hasn't already been entered.
If the Classmate is not in the list.
If the classmate isn't in the list, click on the Create a Memorial button and complete the form that's displayed. You can also enter your Tribute in the form provided. If you have access to their obituary, please enter it in the Obituary form. If you have a suitable digital picture of them, please upload it through the Image field. If you don't have a digital photo, the Committee will upload his or her senior class picture.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to enter your Contributor Name and Contributor Email address. Click Submit when you're done.
If the Classmate is already in the list.
If the classmate is in the list, you may enter a personal tribute by clicking the Add a Tribute button and completing the displayed form. You may also upload a photo with your tribute. If you want your name to appear in your tribute, please include it at the end of the text.